Hi Campers,
We are thrilled to announce that Barcamp Bangalore is back and will be held on May 20, 2023, at RV University!
Note: We’ve updated the date to May 20 due to election results being declared on May 13. Please note the change!
For those who have attended Barcamp in the past, you know that it is a community-driven un-conference where attendees are the speakers. It is an event where participants share their knowledge and ideas in an open and collaborative environment. We are excited to welcome back our veteran attendees and for you to reconnect with the community.
For those who may be new to Barcamp, this is a great opportunity for you to join a vibrant community of tech enthusiasts, creative professionals, and lifelong learners. At Barcamp, you will have the opportunity to share your knowledge, learn from others and make connections with like-minded individuals.
Barcamp Bangalore has always been a 100% free, volunteer driven event. We rely on sponsorship for making Barcamp happen – from venue to providing snacks/lunch to goodies. All of these make Barcamp a fun experience of all our attendees. Sponsorship allows attendees to know more about the interesting players in various industries who want to connect to communities, and it allows sponsors to promote their brand and get to know the interesting Barcamp community which includes many early adopters and influencers.
We are looking for sponsors for the next edition of Barcamp Bangalore. If you/your company is interested in sponsoring Barcamp, please get in touch with us.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to be a part of something special. Join us on Discord, follow us on Twitter, Mastodon or save a calendar reminder for the event date. We’ll open the website for registrations soon. We look forward to seeing you there on May 13 at RV University!
Interested in attending
Please register for the event: https://planning.barcampbangalore.com/register-for-barcamp-bangalore-2023/